Berner-Garde representative in Ireland
& BMDCI Committee Member Diana Bukartaite |
Some useful information about the Berner-Garde database for all purebred Bernese Mountain Dog owners in Ireland:
If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact the Berner-Garde representative in Ireland and Bernese Mountain Dog Club Committee member Diana at [email protected]
- The Berner-Garde Foundation was established in the US to assist in efforts to improve the health and longevity of our beloved Bernese by providing data for scientific research into the causes and cures of commonly inherited diseases.
- Its global database contains information about the general health results of each registered Bernese, with all data available to general public online, free of charge.
- This database is for ALL purebred Bernese Mountain Dogs, not just for show dogs or dogs owned by breeders. Every responsible pet Owner or Co-Owner is recommended to enter their dog’s information in order to contribute to better knowledge and understanding about the medical conditions and diseases impacting the breed.
- Every Bernese Owner is welcome and encouraged to create a profile for their pet, add health certifications, pedigree information, litters, photos, and, most importantly, update the database with all health issues, and if applicable, age and cause of death.
- To add in your dog’s information, simply follow this link: leading to the Berener-Garde website and click on the Submit Data tab located on the top of the page. Here you will find all the choices to submit your personal and pet information via the forms. Anonymous submissions of data will not be accepted.
- After your information is submitted, a Berner-Garde trained operators will review the data and enter it into the database. If additional documentation is required, an operator will contact you in due course to request the copy of it for verification purposes.
- Please be aware that all submitted data is handled in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. It is the Berner-Garde policy to not provide personal contact information or mailing lists to any person or organisation other than for scientific research. Additionally, every proposer has the option to prevent public display of certain personal contact information in the database by specifying that when filing the Submission Form.
If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact the Berner-Garde representative in Ireland and Bernese Mountain Dog Club Committee member Diana at [email protected]
The Berner-Garde Foundation is extremely thankful to those dog owners/breeders who share information about their dog’s health, both positive and negative, as the absence of available data does not mean the absence of problems. Berner-Garde’s mission is to ensure all Bernese Mountain Dogs have a long and healthy lifespan of 12-14 years. In order to advance on the health issues, a global health and pedigree database was launched in 1995 which has become an invaluable resource aiding the reduction of genetic diseases in the breed, through voluntary submissions from owners, breeders and other sources compiling the information of over 200,000 dogs. This open sharing of information on affected, as well as healthy dogs is unique and has proved to be vital to the Bernese community, veterinarians and scientists with an interests in the breed’s health.
Throughout the years it evolved into a reputable tool to assist responsible Bernese breeders in their research and planning for genetically healthy lines in the future. Additionally, potential Bernese puppy buyers find it an excellent resource to verify that the breeder they are talking with performs genetic testing on dogs they choose for breeding. Beyond that, a buyer can check if the parents of puppies have good hips and elbows, as well as other genetic tests.
Health and certification information is verified by the operators to insure the data is as accurate and as consistent as possible. Owners/breeders can submit dog or litter data via the forms available on the website or by directly contacting the trained Operator for Ireland – Diana at [email protected]